Hu yafen Finley

Vice Principal of Moral Education in the Middle School section.

  • Master of English Education, with a certificate for Level 8 of English proficiency

  • Graduate supervisor and psychological consultant certified by the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Recognized as one of the top ten homeroom teachers in Nanchang City and a backbone teacher

  • Educational Director and English Teacher for Zero Class at Nanchang Qihua Bilingual School's Middle School section

  • English Teaching and Research Group Leader and founding homeroom teacher at Jiangxi Science and Technology School's Middle School section

  • Grade leader and homeroom teacher for key classes at Nanchang Foreign Language School

  • Eight-time winner of first prizes in national, provincial, and municipal high-quality class competitions.

  • Trained multiple students to achieve the highest score in the middle school English entrance examination (单科状元)

  • Frequent participation as a training expert and teacher for the national training program (国培计划)

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