Tianxing high school

Tianxing high school

Skyline Genesis School is a regular characteristic high school directly authorized and certified by the Evaluation Department of Cambridge University (school code; CX039), which is also an AP high school (official authorization code: 694555) approved by The College Board. Tianxing Characteristic Education adheres to the principle of "opening school" and aims at "cultivating world citizens and talents with Chinese spirit", and promotes the school-running state in many fields such as discipline construction, moral education activities, career planning, teachers' teaching and research, etc. Committed to the educational concept of "educating people through courses", the teaching and research team of the department takes A-Level and AP courses of Cambridge University as the construction blueprint, builds a school-based research echelon of courses, and adopts the cultivation mode of giving consideration to arts and sciences, respecting differences, and combining theory with practice; With lively characteristic courses and extensive general courses as the content, a unique school-based curriculum has been innovatively formed, which attaches importance to the cultivation of students' good behavior habits and promotes students' individualized development, with A-ambitious, B-bold, C-caring, D-devoted, E-erudite. In 2020, the winner list of students in Tianxing Characteristic High School Course: Silver Award in the National Championship of ASDAN Simulated Business Competition, Top 100 Regional Mathematical League of America (ARML), Silver Award in the Chemical Competition of Canada (CCC), First Individual Gold Award in the total score of China Team in IEO International Economic Olympic Competition, and selected as Lin Shen, a classmate of IEO China National Team, Global Gold Award in British Physics Challenge, Global Silver Award, Global Bronze Award I and Global Bronze Award II.

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