Ingenuity, innovation and advancement-Teensen Genesis School Primary School Teachers Summer Training Documentary

Time:2020-08-17 Views:308

Teensen Genesis School always firmly believes that “only excellent teachers can teach excellent students!” From August 15th to August 16th, in order to promote new teachers to integrate into education and teaching work faster and better, the principal of the primary school led With all the teachers in the primary school full of vitality, a two-day summer teacher training was launched.

Mr. Xu Jiancheng, the principal of Teensen Genesis School, Mr. Zhou Yingliang, the assistant of the principal, Mr. Xiong Xiaopeng, and Ms. Yang Li, director of the Academic Affairs Office, came to the site to guide the training work!


Primary School Principal: Practical and lively, Teensen Genesis School Primary School Educational Practice Map

The headmaster of the school shared with everyone a teaching report on the theme of "Reality and Living, Teensen Genesis School Primary School Educational Practice Map". The principal of the Primary School shared the educational practice map of the Teensen Genesis School Primary School from four aspects: school philosophy, curriculum construction, teacher standards, and home-school-community cooperation.

The principal of the elementary school emphasized that the elementary school adheres to a pragmatic school-running philosophy, that is, every child is a treasure. Under the school-running idea of "playing wonderfully", we will cultivate eight good "heavenly wisdom treasures": good habits, good education, and good personality. , Good eloquence, good body, good taste, good will, good mind. In terms of curriculum construction, the principal of the elementary school believes that being active is the key. On the premise of solidly advancing the national curriculum, based on Jiangxi Province, based on Teensen Genesis School, create an active Teensen Genesis School curriculum. In terms of the image of teachers, the principal of the elementary school requires the teachers of the elementary school to be modern teachers with a trinity of feelings, service and professionalism. In terms of home-school cooperation, the principal of the elementary school emphasized: "Schools must be good at building a harmonious and cooperative relationship with parents and the community, and promote the education work of the elementary school."

Finally, the principal of the primary school ardently encouraged the teachers of the primary school: "Innovation determines how high we fly, and quality determines how far we go."

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Teacher Lei Yaping: The work of a teacher in charge-to provide a platform for each child to serve others

Lei Yaping, who has been working as a class teacher for more than 20 years, has been rated as an "excellent class teacher" for many times, and shared her valuable class experience with everyone. The theme is "the work of a class teacher-a platform for each child to serve others". Teacher Lei pointed out that in the face of the problems of the class leader system in class management, the class teacher can use different forms to build a service network linking family, school, grade, and class for students, allowing students to practice through the experience of serving others. Establish a sense of service of "everyone for me, for everyone".

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Teacher Lei believes that when creating this service network, the head teacher can use the stories of great men to play forward, the class culture is built as the central defender, the "service model" role model is the defender, and the family-school community cooperates as the goalkeeper, so that they can play well in the football of the outstanding class collective. Match.

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Yin Shulin: "Playing" classroom teaching-let students fall in love with your class

"'Playing' classroom teaching-let students fall in love with your class" is the master of the English teaching and research group leader Yin Shulin. "Playing" classroom teaching is guided by teachers, with students as the main body, giving full play to students' subjective initiative, and with the help of a variety of English teaching games, creating an open, fun and innovative classroom. Teacher Yin believes that English game teaching activities can cultivate students' interest in learning English, improve students' English learning efficiency, and enhance students' English ability.

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Teacher Yin shared with you 17 very fun and interesting innovative English games. Teacher Yin led everyone to experience several small English games, among which, the games "Find the caterpillars", "Passgame" and "Whichis the rightkey?" 》Conquered the teachers with unique thinking, rich colors, bursting sound effects and other highlights. The teachers recognized the practicality of these innovative English games in English teaching practice, and believed that they could provide valuable teaching experience for other subjects.

After that, Teacher Yin also shared innovative and interesting English courseware. Teacher Yin's rich teaching experience and superb level of courseware have greatly benefited all the teachers present.

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Teacher Dan Siqun: Talking about American Integration Course

Teacher Dan Siqun from Northern Arizona University, who studied in the United States for a master's degree, shared the three-year teaching experience of the American elementary school "integrated curriculum". However, the teacher ingeniously transformed the communication and sharing into on-site experience. Through a series of scientific procedures of questionnaire surveys, group discussions, representative speeches, and discussion and summary, the teachers present could understand the advanced concept of "integrated curriculum" in practice. It is believed that under the guidance of the integration concept of STEAM and CLIL, the integrated curriculum of the Primary School of Teensen Genesis School will break disciplinary barriers in an immersive environment and cultivate students' scientific inquiry literacy starting from problems.

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But the teacher also shared with everyone the experience of American elementary school campuses in class culture construction, and suggested that teachers should pay attention to the unity of innovation, practicality, and environmental protection when doing class cultural construction work. The parents of the students at the sharing session also praised the class culture construction work of the Teensen Genesis School Primary School that was displayed, and believed that the children would definitely be able to achieve innovative and happy learning in such a class environment.

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Teacher Li Hua: My dance teaching practice and the idea of dance teaching in Teensen Genesis School

Dancing gorgeously, Mr. Li Hua, who graduated from Nanchang University with a major in dance and has many years of experience in dance teaching, brought a teaching sharing report with the theme of "My Dance Teaching Practice and Teensen Genesis School Dance Teaching Ideas".

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Teacher Li explained the four important training contents in the dance teaching of Teensen Genesis School: posture training, soft opening and physical fitness training, dance combination training and dance repertoire appreciation. Posture training helps students build a healthy and beautiful posture, with their chests up and their heads upright; soft opening and physical fitness training uses the basic north dance teaching method to help improve the soft opening of the students' body, and further enhance the students' physical fitness; dance combination training helps through stories Students learn emotionally and help students learn cooperatively through teams; dance drama appreciation helps students open up their international vision and emphasizes the exercise of dance aesthetics in the cross-cultural comparison of Chinese and foreign dances.

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In the part of students' personal practice, Mr. Li emphasized the combination of competitions, performances, dance examinations and other related activities, relying on news and self-media, to provide students with a high-level dance talent display platform. I believe that the Teensen Huibao trained by Teacher Li will surely make an appearance in the dance field of primary school students in Jiangxi Province.

Teachers Hu Kaixing and Zhang Zeyue: Food Education Course Plan and Implementation Strategy

Invoking Confucius’s "Time, Food", teacher Hu Kaixin, who has a master's degree in curriculum and teaching theory, proposed that the food education curriculum of Teensen Genesis School’s primary school should be based on the twenty-four solar terms and Chinese traditional culture and region. The scientific connection between characteristics and dietary nutrition. Teacher Hu will take advantage of Yuan Zhen’s "Poems on Twenty-Four Seasons" in the Tang Dynasty, and use specific teaching methods such as stories, momentum, and recitations to encourage students to discover the relationship between seasons and dates, regions, and food in the interesting twenty-four solar terms. inner relationship.

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In the course planning and practice part, Teacher Zhang Zeyue, who has many years of baking teaching experience, shared with us the food plan of the food education course. Every solar term delicacy attracted the praise of the teachers off the scene. Teacher Zhang believes that the food education course is not a simple life skills training course, but a comprehensive practical course that can cultivate students' observation ability, calculation ability, expression ability, imagination ability, practical ability and logic ability. In practice, students protect their love for food and life.

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Finally, Teacher Zhang brought different colors of plasticine to everyone, and simulated the teaching process of the winter solstice gourmet dumplings on the spot, and led the teachers to make colorful dumplings one after another in the laughter.

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Mao Lingxuan: New System Music Teaching Method

Teacher Mao Lingxuan, who graduated from Xi'an Conservatory of Music majoring in music education, brought everyone a sharing of "New System Music Teaching Method". Based on the new system music teaching method of Kodaly music teaching method, Orff music teaching method and Dalcroze music teaching method, the music curriculum of Teensen Genesis School Primary School is not only in line with international standards, but also full of regions. Featured innovative music courses.

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When introducing the new system of music teaching method, Mr. Mao gave everyone a live teaching of body percussion. Under the guidance of an interesting combination of body movements such as chest slap, foot slap, finger slap and high-five, everyone played "Dao Xiang" with Teacher Mao.

Xie Yao, Peng Xuchuan: Move, jump up——

Teaching Ideas of Calisthenics and Sports Tour in Teensen Genesis School

Adhering to the concept of happy aerobics, Mr. Xie Yao, who graduated from Jiangxi Normal University and has many years of experience in aerobics teaching, shared with everyone a healthy, coordinated and fun Aerobics teaching course in Teensen Genesis School. Teacher Xie advocates that students improve their motor skills, nourish their bodies and minds, and adapt to society in aerobics. Accompanied by the enthusiastic music rhythm, teacher Xie Yao led the fun teachers to do a passionate, youthful and uplifting aerobics. I believe that students can feel the rhythm of the body, the rhythm of life, and the rhythm of dreams in aerobics.

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Adhering to the concept of happy sports, Mr. Peng Xuchuan, who has a brilliant experience in leading the team, shared with everyone a brand-new physical education curriculum-sports courses. With the unique “children’s amusement park” and complete sports facilities in the primary school of Teensen Genesis School, experienced teacher Peng designed rock climbing, ecological crawling, climbing poles, zip lines, physical games, spinning bicycles, Seven major sports course themes such as the comprehensive game field. Under the principle of safety first, Mr. Peng pointed out that the physical amusement course respects students’ "fun" nature, and combines games with limb strength exercises and comprehensive physical fitness training to allow students to exercise and improve their skills.

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Finally, Ms. Yang Li, director of the Academic Affairs Office of Teensen Genesis School, praised the eight-good "Teensen Huibao" training goal put forward by the Primary School, and fully affirmed that the primary school teachers are professional, enthusiastic and have an international perspective. Director Yang said: "In September, my child will also be enrolled in the primary school of Teensen Genesis School. I am very relieved to give my child to you. I believe that you will definitely let me see a better future!"

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The name of the primary school building of Teensen Genesis School is Chuxinlou. It always urges the teachers of the primary school to remember their mission and not forget their original aspirations. In the rich and colorful curriculum activities, in the ingenious special courses, and in the full campus study time, students can develop their interests in accordance with their original heart and give full play to their personal characteristics. The elementary school teachers seek development in the forge ahead, seek development in teaching and learning, seek development in innovative teaching, and write a new chapter in their careers in the future of education and teaching. There is a long way to go, and I hope teachers will forge ahead and grow together!

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