Tianxing high school

International Understanding Education adheres to the principle of "opening up schools", with the goal of "cultivating global citizens and talents with Chinese spirit", and promotes the school's education in various fields such as discipline construction, moral education activities, career planning, teacher teaching and research.

Always committed to the educational philosophy of "curriculum educating people", the teaching and research team of the Faculty of Education took the Cambridge University A-Level course [the curriculum system suitable for Jiangxi students] as the blueprint to build a school-based research echelon of courses, taking into account both liberal arts and science, respecting differences, theory and The training method combining practice; with vivid characteristic courses and broad general education courses as the content, a unique international school-based curriculum is innovatively formed, which emphasizes the cultivation of students’ good behaviors and habits, and promotes the individual development of students. A-ambitious (ambitious), B-bold (brave and fearless), C-caring (helpful), D-devoted (dedication), E-erudite (learned and multi-knowledge) realize the school's core literacy concept of comprehensive education.

Student pre-admission status

For two consecutive years, Tianxing students have been invited to interview by Oxford University and have achieved good results in Nanchang International Education. The 15 graduates of the 2020 class of Tianxing received a total of 97 pre-admission notices (including 9 direct admissions). Among them, 48 were in the UK, 31 in Australia, 5 in New Zealand, 6 in the United States, 3 in Canada, 1 in Malaysia, and 2 in Hong Kong. Including one interview invitation from the Department of Mathematics of Oxford University, two from Imperial College London, three from University College London, one from the University of Toronto, and one from the University of Hong Kong (interview-free). At present, 73.3% of students have received the world’s top 30 pre-admission notices, 86.7% of the students have received the world’s top 50 pre-admission notices, and all students have received the world’s top 100 pre-admission notices.

School advantages

1) Extensive curriculum system worldwide

The mature Cambridge International A-Level curriculum system chooses 3-4 subjects to study, and the results are recognized by more than 12,000 universities in more than 160 countries.

2) High-quality career planning services across the province

The province independently provides career planning services for learning, covering career interest assessment, career interest groups, internships, parent classes, etc.

3) Hierarchical customized teaching in small classes throughout the school

Small class system and hierarchical teaching, 4-25 students per class, the characteristics of each student can fully pay attention to.

4) Chinese-foreign joint teaching with all excellent explanation system

Foreign teachers focus on spoken language and thinking styles, Chinese teachers will explain in detail, analyze in depth, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

5) All-day rolling teacher commentary

After each class, the teacher summarizes the performance of the students in all aspects, gives feedback to the parent group, understands the student's dynamics in time, provides targeted guidance to the students, and answers questions.

6) Newly compiled version of the school-based textbook for real questions

Under the organization of the academic staff of our school, the real questions of the global unified examination are compiled and compiled into school-based textbooks for six subjects.

7) The management of self-study dormitory in the whole military process

Strict mobile phone management, evening self-study management, all-weather paramilitary management, dormitories are equipped with life teachers to cultivate self-management capabilities.

8) Comprehensive and quality compound ability training

Various student-led activities to cultivate self-confidence and improve comprehensive literacy. Our school has participated in national and global business simulation competitions, robotics competitions, 3D competitions, English speech contests, mathematics, physics and chemistry competitions, etc., and have achieved remarkable results.

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