Love together, childlike heart shines——Ji Teensen Genesis School Primary School Campus Reception Day

Time:2020-07-13 Views:67

There are lively and entertaining classes, sincere communications, and joyful laughs of growth ...

On the afternoon of July 12th , the reception day of the Elementary School of Teensen Genesis School was in full swing on a brand new campus. The academic lecture hall with seats of nearly 300 people was full, and parents were filled with passion in order to experience the charm and style of international education for themselves. This activity not only gave parents a first-hand understanding about the children's campus life, but also allowed the children to experience various cultures and special courses for themselves.

Let's follow the camera to appreciate and review the wonderful part!

During the warm and amusing game interaction, we officially initiated this event.

There is no greater happiness in life than to see you raise your hands, speak, gain...

See, after careful preparation by teachers, splendid presentations of English, Chinese, and fine arts classes began. The teachers were so energetic and invigorated that they constantly inspired children to think positively, participate in class discussions actively, and interact with teachers and students in harmony. The classroom atmosphere was stirring.

From a young age, we have a happy transition with our children

While the children were taking the experience class, the parents stayed in the lecture hall to learn more about our school.


After graduating too long, maybe you have forgotten the taste of school. Today, let us re-enter the classroom, learn and grow with our children.

For this lecture, we specially invited Ms. Zhou Kai Karen, the academic consultant of Tianxing Genesis School. Ms. Zhou Kai Karen has served as kindergarten management for 18 years and elementary school management for 10 years. She is well versed in the essence of preschool education. Ms. Zhou Kai Karen from childhood, why we should do a good job of connection, the performance and reason analysis of the unsuitability of freshmen in enrollment, and how parents do the preparations before enrollment. Three sections explain how to make a happy transition from childhood to primary school. Parents are taking notes seriously, taking pictures of key points with their mobile phones from time to time.

Effective progression to higher education can avoid or alleviate children’s sense of insecurity and anxiety about entering a new environment, quickly integrate and adapt to the life and study of primary school, effectively improve children’s learning efficiency, allow children to develop mental health, and transition to primary school happily Life, lay a good foundation for the follow-up study and life.

Parents of students participate in campus construction throughout the process to create a safe and comfortable campus

Father Gao, the parent of the student, is also the director of the Tianxing campus construction, explaining the project construction, construction quality, environmental protection and other issues that parents care about. The cameras are surrounded by the whole school and equipped with AI smart terminal security system and smart big data platform. All decoration building materials are made of home improvement materials.

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Dad Gao’s child is currently studying in the International Department of our school. Speaking of his fate with Tianxing, he sighed with emotion, from the initial ignorance and worry to the firm choice later, to the recognition and trust now, he accompanied his children all the way and saw the school’s development prospects and teachers’ Responsibility and praise from all walks of life in the society, he firmly believes that Tianxing will lead the children to a better future.

Let every child of Tianxing have a good present and future

Li Ping(Christine), the assistant of the principal and head of the admissions office, explained the overall practice framework for running schools in the Elementary School. From four aspects, ie curriculum system, training objectives, curriculum settings, and six educational advantages, she introduced that the primary school trains students with five characteristics which are "confidence, nice communication, learning to think, cooperation, and innovation". Integrate into innovative education models, cultivate innovators' curriculum maps, promote the localization of STEM-featured courses, and focus on creating the educational characteristics of small class teaching.

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Parents and children also visited the new and beautiful campus with great interest. Ingenious architecture, elegant atmosphere, advanced and complete facilities have firmly caught everyone's attention. Everyone couldn’t wait to take pictures. Children were already looking forward to the future of studying and living here.

Although the Open Day event was short, a seed of expecting to be involved was buried in the hearts of parents and children. I hope that this seed can take root and thrive in this beautiful and lovely campus, reaping a golden and bright future!

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