Notice on Policies and Regulations of Nanchang Tianxing Genesis School on Private Schools in the Province

Time:2023-05-05 Views:183

Notice on Policies and Regulations 

of Nanchang Tianxing Genesis School on Private Schools in the Province

In order to further strengthen the logistics management of the education system, implement the spirit of the national and provincial school logistics management documents, and effectively safeguard the interests of teachers and students, according to the special rectification work requirements of the logistics management problems of the education system of the province, the relevant policies and regulations are hereby informed to the community (teachers and students) as follows:

1. School canteen management

1. Fully fulfilling principal responsibilities

The school should implement the food safety principal (principal) responsibility system, take food safety as an important part of the school safety work, establish, improve and implement the food safety rules and regulations covering all links and the food safety management system and work requirements such as early warning, plan, hidden trouble investigation, accident responsibility investigation system, and clarify the responsibilities of the food safety leaders and administrators. Strengthen supervision over all aspects of food safety in school cafeterias, service outsourcing cafeterias, BOT business model cafeterias and off-campus catering enterprises, regularly organize and carry out food safety hidden dangers investigation, self-inspection and self-rectification, timely eliminate hidden dangers and prevent the occurrence of food poisoning accidents among students. School canteens should take improving students' nutrition, enhancing students' physique and promoting students' healthy growth as the purpose, adhere to the principle of "public welfare" and "non-profit", and may not make profits from student canteens in any form. The school should pay close attention to the food quality of the canteen, carry out cost accounting, check the food price, adhere to the public disclosure of the canteen finance, and take the initiative to accept the supervision of teachers, students and the society. Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should implement the system of school leaders' accompanying meals and the system of students' and parents' democratic participation in the supervision of school canteens. The school should strengthen the daily management of food safety, urge the student dining operators to implement the main responsibility of food safety, fulfill the agreed responsibility, strengthen the food safety training and assessment of employees, standardize the processing behavior.

(2) Strengthen the standardized management of students' centralized meal provision

1. Strengthen the standardized management of school cafeterias. School canteens can be self-run or outsourced. In principle, canteens of primary and secondary schools should be independently operated and uniformly managed by schools. Students should adhere to the principle of voluntary eating at school, and students should not be forced to eat at school. Student food expenses should be in line with the relevant regulations of financial management. Rural schools where conditions permit are encouraged to build places for labor practice, establish planting and breeding bases, expand food supply channels, reduce procurement costs, and reduce the economic burden on students and their families.

2. Strengthen the standardized management of service outsourcing canteens. Catering enterprises with certain scale, strength and good service are encouraged to provide quality services for the school. The school shall introduce social forces to operate the canteen through public bidding, select the best social catering enterprises that have obtained food business license according to law, can undertake food safety responsibilities and have good social reputation, publicize the bidding results according to regulations, and establish the access and exit mechanism. It is necessary to implement the "zero lease" policy of service outsourcing canteens, and it is not allowed to charge contract and management fees to catering service enterprises or charge them in a disguised way to increase the operating costs of canteens and ultimately transfer the burden to students. It is necessary to implement the policy of "zero rental" in service outsourcing canteens to benefit students. The school should strengthen the supervision and management of the key links in the service outsourcing canteen such as procurement, storage, processing, cost accounting, food price and quality and the service ability of the employees, so as to ensure that the "zero lease" policy truly benefits students.

3. Strengthen the standardized management of off-campus meals. Where off-campus meals are provided, the administrative department of education at the county level shall, in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and justice, and in strict accordance with the procedures for tendering and bidding, select the successful catering units that have obtained the food operation license and the collective meal distribution qualification, have good social reputation and can bear the responsibility for food safety, and publish the results of the bidding to the public. The school shall organize the school's off-campus meal service management personnel and parents' representatives to select the school's off-campus meal service unit by vote from the list of successful off-campus meal service units selected by the county administrative department of education through public bidding, and sign a contract (or agreement) with the off-campus meal service unit to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. The contract period shall not exceed 1 year in principle. Education departments should cooperate with relevant departments to establish and improve the communication and coordination mechanism for the management of off-campus meals, form joint supervision, and strictly prevent major food safety accidents. Education departments and schools are not allowed to collect a certain percentage of management fees from catering enterprises for unit expenses or to pay "head charge".

4. Strengthen the standardized management of BOT mode canteens. College canteens with BOT mode should take back the management right after the management right expires and implement "zero lease" bidding and management. The school should strengthen the daily supervision of BOT mode canteen.

5. Strengthen the nutrition improvement plan and implement standardized school meal management. Schools and areas that have implemented the nutrition improvement plan for rural students receiving compulsory education should provide meals in school canteens. At present, those who still use off-campus meal catering units shall also abide by the relevant provisions of the nutrition Improvement Plan for rural compulsory education students on the admission and exit management of meal catering enterprises (units), bidding and purchasing, contract performance and other provisions. We should strengthen the management of special funds, fund verification and the management of students' food fees, and strictly implement the relevant financial and audit regulations.

Ii. Management of campus supermarket (grocery store). Schools at all levels and of all types should standardize the operation behavior of food and supplies on campus, strengthen management, and clarify responsibilities, so as to ensure that teachers and students can eat safe food and use safe commodities, and gradually ban the individual contract behavior of primary and secondary schools to school supermarkets (grocery stores), so as to control the quality and safety of campus food and supplies from the source. The school should regularly carry out cost accounting of the supermarket to reduce operating costs and commodity prices, benefiting teachers and students. The food sold should be clearly marked, and the price should not be higher than the local food market price for the same period.

Three, school uniform and blank exercise management. Schools at all levels and of all types should strictly follow the spirit of the relevant documents, strengthen the publicity of the policies, and improve the standardized management system. On the premise of adhering to the principle of voluntary students, do a good job of publicity, give play to the moral education function of school uniforms, and cultivate students' collective sense of honor. We should establish and perfect the school uniform selection and procurement system, so that parents and students have more rights to know, participate and choose school uniforms, and effectively improve the quality of school uniforms. To really give the blank exercise book option back to students. The project of exercise book price (charge on behalf of primary and secondary school students) has been cancelled in 2015. All localities should give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, hand over all the production and sales of blank exercise books to the market, and return the right to purchase them to students and their parents. It is forbidden to solicit opinions through "a letter to parents" or organize subscription through the form of family committee. No blank operating costs shall be collected and paid for suppliers, and disguised charges and arbitrary charges shall be resolutely put an end to.

Nanchang Tianxing Genesis School

April 25, 2023


1. Opinions on Further Strengthening the Work of Student Canteens in Institutions of Higher Learning (Education Development (2011) No.7); 

2. Provisions on the Administration of Food Safety, Nutrition and Health in Schools (Decree No. 45 of 2019 of the Ministry of Education); 

3. Guiding Opinions on Implementing Main Responsibility and Strengthening Campus Food Safety Management (Municipal Food Supervision Jing (2019) No.68); 

4. Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Management of Off-campus School Meals (Letter of the Department of Education, Sports and Arts (2022) No.27); 

5. Opinions of the General Office of Jiangxi Provincial People's Government on Strengthening the Safety of Food Supply in School Canschools (2018), No.49; 

6. Notice on Further Standardizing and Strengthening the Management of School Canteens (Jiangxi Teaching Review Word (2021) No.2); 

7. Notice on Further Standardizing the Management of College Service Outsourcing Student Canteens (Gan Jiaoyan (2022) No. 2); 

8. Notice on the Issuance of Opinions on Further Strengthening the Management of School Uniforms of Primary and Secondary School Students (Kyoji No.1 (2015) No.3); 

9. Notice of Development and Reform Commission of Jiangxi Province on Printing and Distributing the Cleaning Result of Operation and Service Fee Items of Jiangxi Province (Jiangxi Development and Reform Fee (2015) No. 995); 

10. Notice on Further standardizing the School Logistics Industry (Gan Jiaoqin Word (2016) No. 6); 

11. Notice on Special Inspection Action on Selection and Purchase of School Uniforms for Primary and Middle School Students in the whole Province (Jiangxi Education Office Letter (2022) No.31).

Previous:Early planning and ingenuity for the past and early planning of the elite team-Teensen Genesis School teacher training meeting documentary


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